World Class
We talk to Alexander Edenwind, the founder and filmer of the
YouTube series and website called About a Diabetic.
lexander Edenwind is a
freelance filmmaker as well as
being a Type 1 diabetic. He
has travelled around the world
to meet with other people
living with diabetes searching for answers
to questions about the implications and
care of diabetes in different countries. The
YouTube series now has films from trips
to Germany, Finland, Poland, Switzerland,
Sweden, France, Spain and the Czech
Republic, with more locations to come.
About a Diabetic is working to
raise awareness and level the playfield
for people with diabetes living in less
privileged countries. Edenwind says,
"Everyone living with diabetes, no matter
where they are in the world, should have
access to the necessary knowledge and
equipment to monitor glucose levels as
well as suitable medication to maintain
control. When given the right help, anyone
with diabetes will have a full life, both
personally and as a part of wider society."
The 31 year-old Swedish freelance
filmmaker and producer is currently based
in Cologne, Germany. He says, "I has
evolved from a writer and solo sailor this
present mission, being an ambassador for
diabetics around the world."
The video below features Lola from
France. Find others on YouTube under
Everyone living with
diabetes, no matter
where they are in
the world, should
have access to the
necessary knowledge
and equipment to
monitor glucose levels
as well as suitable
medication to maintain
control. - Alexander