More please!
We then asked which topics you'd like
us to cover. By quite a margin, the two
most requested topics were for weight
loss for Type I diabetes and weight loss
for Type 2 diabetes. Then came education
programmes about diet and diabetes,
followed by phone apps to track blood
test results. In joint fourth place were
The Glycaemic Index, The Glyceamic
Load and mobile phone apps to count
carbs. Joint fifth were more lifestyle and
wellbeing features along with how to
undertake exercise / sport when living
with diabetes. And last but not least, more
on counting carbs.
Guidance on guides
When asked whether or not you'd be
interested in Desang doing a series
of guides, 32% said yes, 24% said it
depends on the subject matter, 10% said
Our survey asked, do you want a news
digest from Desang? A quarter of those
who responded (24%) said yes; 22%
said probably; 8% said unlikely; 3%
said definitely not. About 10% percent
said they were interested in features
being highlighted so they could read
them if they'd missed them in the
past (35% = no response). Almost
no one wanted a daily news digest,
9% said weekly, 7% said three times
a month, but a whopping 40% said
once a month (week two would be the
digest, week four would be the regular
magazine), while 8% said a flat no, with
35% no responses. As many as 70%
said they would not want to pay for a
news digest, although and 7.5% said
they'd pay £4 a year,14% said they'd
pay £6/year and nearly 10% said they'd
pay £20/year.
As a result of your feedback, we've
started a free monthly news digest
service, the first of which came out
in mid-January (and we're making a
start on the guides!).
UPDATE PROFILE the happy just to stick with the magazine
(36% had no response). When asked if
he might pay for guides there was a clear
response (30%) that the preferred method
would be a donation payment button, so
someone could pay according to how
useful they found the guide. When asked
about a quarterly print magazine 20%
were interested, 28% were not sure, 53%
were not interested. When asked about a
podcast from Desang 22% said yes, 45%
said not sure, 34% said no.
The Northeners are winning: The
three people who won a £50 voucher for
completing the About Us reader survey
at the end of last year were Eleanor from
Livingston, Kevin from Newcastle upon
Tyne and Gina from Hartlepool.
To download a PDF of the full results,
click HERE.
Together JDRF and INPUT are linking world-class research
with expertise in diabetes technology access in order to
tackle individual, local and national access issues as well as
help more people gain access to diabetes technology, both
now and in the future.
All our emails now have an update profile
option so you can choose which emails
you want to get from Desang Media.