continued over
these products and/or recipes based
upon their suitability for you, taking into
account their nutritional value and total
carbs. This makes choosing what to
buy and eat easy while also helping with
insulin calculations. You can also generate
shopping lists and set limits on fat, sugar
or salt content. Best in Bag is available for
free from the App Store and Google Play.
Not yet available in the UK, Diabnext is
an all-round digital logbook app designed
to take away the burden of daily selfmonitoring. It consists of a group
connected devices that track blood
sugar (Gluconext, which attaches to
a meter) and injected insulin units (via
Clipsulin, which clips onto your insulin
pen and keeps track of when and how
much has been dosed). The devices
seamlessly connect to the app's logbook,
recording data without you having to
manually input it yourself. You can access
the logbook at any time, helping you to
manage your diabetes whenever you
want. A new feature, due to launch next
year, Snapcarbs uses the latest image
recognition software and data to work out
the number of carbs in your dish - simply
by taking a picture of the food on your
plate. Users pay for each device and for
an ongoing subscription to the app.
Currently aimed at the American
market, Nutrino's FoodPrint app gives
Freestyle Libre users a personalised
view of how daily food and lifestyle
habits affect their glucose levels. By
connecting to a wide range of activity
trackers, eg Fitbit and Jawbone
and Google Fit, it stores your
fitness data and syncs with CGM
or Flash glucose monitor. Rather
than making calculations, you can
access your data from your activity
tracker and diabetes management
tool in one place, helping you to spot trends
in how your workouts or even sleep affect
your glucose, simplifying your decisionmaking on how best to stay on track. The
app can also provide personalised food
suggestions. The free app is available from
the App Store.
OPPOSITE: Best in Bag.
ABOVE: Diabnext's
Snapcarbs. RIGHT: Nutrino.