with more of it accessible online including
information on topics such as sexual
health as it's an age range that needs
slightly more tailored education than other
age groups.
Future plans
Spirit Healthcare has launched revised
versions of its CareSens Dual meter range
for those testing either blood glucose or
ketones and in the near future it will bring
out revised version of its Tee2 meter. This
will include Bluetooth capability that will
mean the meter can 'talk' to Spirit's digital
technology solutions, Activ8rlives and
Clini-Touch Vie. The latter covers diabetes
but also other conditions such as heart
conditions and respiratory disease.
Says Barker, "Our mission is to
help more than 1 million patients per
annum. We want to help the nation to
be healthier and happier while retaining
Spirit's family feel; our staff genuinely
care about what they do and about the
company. The idea is that through these
technologies we can support individuals
to help manage their health better, but
at a lower cost than having HCPs visit
the home environment. People can be
at home but still be monitored. They
are more comfortable in their home
environment yet can still be cared for,
saving the NHS money in the long run.
Our aim is to get the right product into
the hands of the right person at the
right time, then keep providing quality
information to them to keep them
engaged and give them the best chance
of the best outcome."
top, an Empower class takes
on the knowledge. Above, one
of the company's devices, an
Insujet, a needle-free delivery
device in lime green. Right, one
of the children's images of what
they came up with when they
doodled about 'healthcare'.