The newly available Medtrum TouchCare Slim 14 CGM can help if you have trouble
recognising a hypo coming on. You are able to set High, Low and predictive alerts and
alarms. It can be used as a stand-alone CGM solution featuring a sensor (which can be
worn on the arm), a slim transmitter and a smartphone.
However, it can also be integrated with Medtrum's A6 TouchCare Patch Pump
and set to suspend insulin when a hypo is predicted with the Predictive Low Glucose
Suspend functions, creating a semi closed-loop
system. You can even allow HCPs, family or
friends to follow your CGM readings.
This new slimmer sensor now lasts up to 14
days, but the price is the same as for the current
one that lasts 7 days.
Introductory offer:
50% off for the first 100 respondents
• Option 1: £135* for the TouchCare Slim Transmitter & 2 Sensors
• Option 2: £170* for the TouchCare Slim Transmitter & 4 Sensors
Starter Packs
• Option 1: £200* for the TouchCare Slim Transmitter and £70 for 2 Sensors
• Option 2: £200* for the TouchCare Slim Transmitter and £140 for 4 Sensors
Normal List Prices
• £200* for the TouchCare Slim Transmitter
• £35* for each TouchCare Sensor
*Prices exclude VAT (can complete VAT exemption form on the website).
The newly named WaveForm Diabetes
(formerly AgaMatrix Holdings) has named
Rick Valencia as its new Executive
Chairman and CEO. Valencia has
extensive experience in digital health and
diabetes care, serving as a Board Member
at Tandem Diabetes. He has commented,
"I am honoured and excited to join the
WaveForm Diabetes team during this
pivotal stage in the company and the
explosive growth in the diabetes care
industry. WaveForm's new continuous
glucose monitor is a game changer
that, at a time when diabetes continues
to grow at an alarming rate around the
world, will help to ensure more people
living with diabetes have access to easy
to use, affordable, yet state-of-the-art
glucose management solutions."
WaveForm CGM is based on several
patented innovations in glucose sensor
technology, facilitating a virtually pain-free
insertion process, limited interferences,
extended wear time, and environmentally
friendly reusable parts. The system
consists of a thin, wearable sensor that
collects glucose data from just below the
skin which is processed and wirelessly
transferred to a mobile app through a
small rechargeable transmitter. It lasts an
entire session on one complete charge,
and uses Bluetooth wireless technology
to transfer data to an Android and iOS
compatible mobile app.
WaveForm received CE Mark approval
for its 14-day CGM system in November
2019 and began commercial activities to
release the product under the GlucoMen
Day brand in select European countries
through their partnership with A. Menarini
Diagnostics. WaveForm is preparing for
clinical studies in both the US and China
and continues to conduct studies in trials
in Europe.
PLUS • Diabetes kit • Giveaways • News (for T1 and T2) • Food News
Access to blood test strips
and meters: your choice
Screen Time
(part 2): meters
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