Published by Desang Ltd the aim of this newsletter is to bring news and information to people living with diabetes. Please check all matters
concerning how you handle your health with your healthcare team. We welcome any feedback on the magazine or ideas for future articles.
EDITOR: Sue Marshall
For details of our editorial policy see The Small Print.
Following on from the news that
Animas is to exit the insulin pump
market globally, our report looks
at options for current users, with
a list of resources. P.12.
Sue Marshall
There's been a bit of a froth in
foodie circles recently with a focus
on fermeted foods. An ancient art,
it's making a comeback due to its
healthy attributes. P.24.
Anyone keen on a pain-free lancing device will want to look at the
KIT page, p.8, where we've also wangled a discount code on the
item. Speaking of kit, Josh Golding smashes it, keeping a career on
the tennis courts going while taking his diabetes in his stride. He talks about his
diabetes kit on p.24. Anyone interested in insulin pump delivery devices may wish
to read the feature on p.12 where there is an update on Animas exiting the UK
and Irelend to see how that affects the lay of the land. There are two food-related
reports and the regular Making Carbs Count feature. There's a report on how our
hassled, hustling lifestyles are comprimising how we eat, with proof that we're
most of us likely to misjudge calorie counts (not just carbs!) and upselling ("would
you like fries with that?' isn't helping (even if they are amusingly being referred to as
'snaccidents'. Then there's a report on the new fad for fermented foods, except it's
not a fad, and it's not new, as it turns out. You can ferment a whole heap of things,
but in this issue we look mainly at fermented tea (kombusha) on p.24 and milk
(kefir) in Making Carbs Count on p.28. The good news is that what may seem a bit
weird and wacky is in fact worth proper consideration. I hope you enjoy this issue.
Editor's comment...
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But business as usual is best for
diabetics at Christmas
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Semi-pro tennis player and coach
Josh Golding talks about his sporting
life with diabetes and his tactics for
on-court control of his blood sugars
as well as his game. P.16.