Water With added oomph saVe £10!
Alkaline water can have
beneficial affects on The newly updated Contour Next USB
your health, specifically blood test meter is normally £29.99 RRP.
restoring the body’s Visit and enter
pH balance. Western USB121DN in the promotional code box
diets can contain to save £10 off the RRP. Offer expires
much acid-forming 31 December 2012 and is not available in
food. Increasing the conjunction with any other offer.
pH of water can help
to combat this, and
has a fantastic effect
on overall health. As
well as improving your
pH balance, the water
is naturally antiviral,
antibacterial and
Optimised Energetics sells a range of alkaline Storing up to 2,000 test values, you
giVeaWaY water products including flasks, jugs and sticks can upload reports to a personal area
We have one of these alkaline which increase the alkalinity of water using medical on the website and
water jugs to giveaway. Send grade colloidal silver. The PET plastic jug costs can reapply more blood to the same test
your name and address to £49.95 including enough filters for 12 months with strip if needed. Plugs into any computer a capacity for 2l of water and producing water with to see test results in charts and tables. A
with ‘water’ in the brightly coloured display and illuminated
a pH up to 10 while reducing heavy metals such
subject line.
as lead, copper, zinc and cholorine from tap water. test strip port make it easy to test in poor
Fits in the fridge door. lighting or at night. Uses CONTOUR NEXT test strips.
JuicY neW FLaVour
Newly added to the well-known Gluco brand, which has been
in production since 1984, is flavourful Berry Glucogel. Also
still available in Original flavour, this comes in either an 80g
bottle (£10.55) or a triple pack of three 25g tubes (£10.95). It
rest alongside the other products in the range -- Glucotabs
and Glucojuice. Each 25g tube contains 10g of fast-acting
glucose, designed to hit your blood stream quickly to pull
you out of a hypo by raising your blood glucose level. The
robust packaging means you can sling a few in your bag ‘just
in case’ while the sizes mean you can portion-control, so you
don’t over-do it when heading off that hypo.
Available on prescription or from