diabetes flying planes are still in place in Douglas has done other extreme
some countries, but this testing protocol endurance records in order to show what
is extremely effective, says Douglas. it’s possible do with diabetes and is part
“As a result of losing my job due to my of Pilots With Diabetes, a group formed
diagnosis of diabetes I now spend time by a small but determined group of pilots
helping to raise awareness of the fact that who lost a career due to having been
it is possible to fly safely with diabetes. I diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
have done 2,800 flying hours to date to You don’t have to be a world record
prove it,” he says. beater or even want to fly a plane – it’s
not everyone’s calling. Douglas says,
Extreme measures “Our point is to persuade the authorities
In an undertaking partly sponsored by to have more flexible licensing rules about
Accu-Chek Mobile, Douglas recently individuals and not to have our dreams
flew to the North Pole, where he ended and ambitions restricted by diabetes.
up flying 1,300 miles in 8 hours and 17 No one’s dreams should be limited by Nr. 1:2012 | Essential news and views for people with diabetes
minutes -- a new world speed record diabetes.”
for this particular flight. As part of the
experience he landed on a commercial To find out more about Douglas
airfield run by Russians where he had Cairns and the other pilots flying high
No limits
to land on the ice. “It was amazing,” he with diabetes, visit: One man’s fight to
live his dream
Strip Free, Simple, Smart.
says, “It was minus 26˚ and 4.30am in the Fit for
Introducing the new
Accu-Chek Mobile system
morning, yet 20 out of the 30 people who springtime
How to boost your immune system
were stationed there were waiting for me
because they had never seen anything
like this small aircraft coming into view
over the Polar ice. It was wonderful.” It This article first appeared in Reach,
was also the first time that this particular the magazine produced by Accu-
record had been done in a light twin- Chek. You can sign up for free
engined aircraft flown solo, yet alone by copies HERE.
someone with diabetes.
Above and left: Douglas
takes time to test when
in the cockpit. The
Accu-Chek Mobile is
handy for this with it’s
all-in-one design.