Company: Roche Diabetes Care
Product: Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump
Screen: Accu-Chek Insight handset
In the Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump
the introduction of wireless transmission
of blood glucose data immediately led to
an increased use of bolus calculator by
users, as well as an increased adjustment
of therapy via the on-screen manager.
Easier to use than previous models and
more 'visual', users are able to quickly see
an overview of their diabetes control. The
training for using the pump is short. As the
handheld unit is just like a smartphone,
people quickly pick up how it works. It's a
touch-screen and in colour and presents
an immediate display of data in colored
tables and graphs on the Accu-Chek
Aviva Insight diabetes manager handset.
Enhanced data management
functions facilitate communication with
healthcare teams by means of a fully
synchronized diary which stores blood
tests, insulin dosages and information on
meals and activities as logged by the user.
Two-way Bluetooth interface enables safe
communication between the two main
components of the Accu-Chek Insight
system (the pump and the manager
handset). An intuitive user interface on
the colour touchscreen of the handheld
offers full control for daily diabetes life. It is
discreet and private to use via the remote
control and the pump incorporates an
easy to use pre-filled cartridge system
Company: Roche Diabetes Care
Product: Eversense implantable CGM
Screen: Eversense Mobile App
The Eversense implanted CGM system
continually measures interstitial fluid
glucose levels in adults with diabetes for
the operating life of the sensor, which
is currently indicated at 180 days (six
months). Although the CGM is implanted
the user wears a reader on the skin above
the technology. The data received and
viewed via a smartphone app includes
glucose trend information and alarms for
the detection and prediction of episodes
of hypo and hyper. The aim is that the
system will allow users to manage their
diabetes with more flexibility, confidence
and discretion. The system needs
calibrating twice a day with a blood
glucose reading. The Eversense sensor is
inserted in a clinical environment where a
5-8mm insertion is made in the upper arm
under a local anaesthetic). A small pocket
is then created 3-5mm under the skin
into which the sensor is inserted using a
special insertion tool. The insertion is then
closed with steri-strips.
The implanted sensor is powered
wirelessly by the transmitter placed on
the arm directly over the sensor. The
Eversense mobile app can send the data
wirelessly to a cloud-based application
allowing the data to be shared with the
caregiver or diabetes healthcare team.
The sensor is removed in the clinic using
local anaesthetic. Another sensor can
then be inserted into the same place.
Alternatively, the incision is closed using
steri-strips if a new sensor is to be inserted
at a fresh location.
The smart transmitter provides
on-body vibration alerts even if the
smartphone is not nearby or switched
off. The Eversense mobile app displays
the sensor glucose data from the smart
transmitter, displaying the current glucose
value every 5 minutes and displays where
the glucose is headed and how fast.
Centre left: the Eversense sensor.
Above, the Eversense sensor, reader and smartphone app.
Left and above:
Accu-Chek's Insight
insulin pump
with touchscreen