Lucious lychees are in season in the UK in the darkest winter
months. If you have tried them, you are likely to love them. If you
haven't, you have a treat in store. Literally crack open one of these
little packages of gently blushing treats to find out for yourself.
Lychees are one of the
most popular fruits of SE
Asia and one of the most
flavoursome in the world.
The lychee is a roundheart shape and can be as big as a golf
ball. The skin is quite thin and slightly
brittle, and can range in texture from
rough to slightly spiky, and in colour from
pale green, to pale pink, to deep red.
Lychee is also called Chinese
strawberry because it is originated from
China and also looks at first glance a
bit like a strawberry. Varieties of lychee
include Emperor fruit, Mauritiu, Sweet
Heart, Brewster, Haak Yip and Bengal.
China, Thailand, India and Vietnam are
the current leading producers of Lychee.
Particularly, China has been cultivating for
over 2300 years.
The skin of a lychee can be peeled
off quite easily, with practice, leaving the
juicy, white, slightly translucent flesh. Each
fruit has an elongated, shiny brown stone
inside which varies in proportion to the
flesh. This is often a key determinant of
quality, whereby varieties and locations