What is it?
MyGrams is smart mobile phone cover
that calculates the exact nutrient
composition of food and helping
people with diabetes to keep track of
what they are consuming.
More and more people take more care
about what they eat than ever before.
Many like know if they are covering
their daily nutritional requirements or
the exact composition of their food.
The founding team of MyGrams
has developed a practical and
functional alternative to conventional,
cumbersome methods. The MyGrams
phone case, which has an integrated
scale in combination with the
MyGrams app, determines precise
nutritional values of foods to the
nearest gram. With the help of the app,
users can plan and record meals.
The scale is integrated into the
smartphone cover, you take it from
the bumper, open the app and select
the food you want to weigh. MyGrams
also serves as a protective cover for
the mobile phone and is connected to
it via Bluetooth.