dry eye CAses set tO rIse
it is estimated that as the average life of the oily as well as the
expectancy rises, cases of dry eyes watery portion of the tear
will increase. milind Pande (pictured) is fluid decreases, resulting in
medical Director and consultant eye dry eyes. it’s is a commonly
surgeon at Vision surgery & research misdiagnosed condition,
centre in humberside and a past common in people with
President of uk & ireland society of diabetes, and it is critical to
cataract & refractive surgeons. he is not get an expert assessment
surprised by the study as he too is seeing if anyone has a chronic red
more and more patients, especially sore eye.”
those over 50, who are suffering with dry Dry eyes affects as many
eyes: "the condition of 'dry eye' means as one in three of us and is
that the normal tear film lubricating of a year-round problem. in winter central balanced diet with lots of omega 3 and 6
the eye is not functioning adequately heating and in summer air conditioning fatty acids, cleaning the eyelids and using
and the surface of the eye is rough and use and warmer temperatures can moistening eye drops regularly are helpful
inflamed, leading to a scratchy, dry and exacerbate this condition. Pande in alleviating dry eye symptoms. if your
uncomfortable feeling as the eyes can suggests that sufferers of mild dry eye will dry eye is becoming persistent it is wise
no longer wet and lubricate themselves find it helpful to keep the eyes hydrated to see your doctor and ask for an expert
properly. as people age, the production and moist. "Drinking lots of water, eating a assessment by an ophthalmologist."
dIABetes & OBesIty tzAr fOOt WOrk
Dr Jonathan Valabhji (pictured) has been appointed the new stem cell research may take a step
new national clinical Director for obesity and diabetes toward preventing amputations in people
for england. karen addington, chief executive of with diabetes, according to a new study
JDrf, commented on the appointment on behalf of the from the national university of ireland,
diabetes charity saying: “Dr Valabhji’s background as a galway, which appeared in Diabetes, the
clinician specialising in diabetes is particularly welcome. American Diabetes Association’s official
it means we can be hopeful that he will not allow the journal. its research revealed that the use
uk’s response to diabetes to be disproportionately of adult stem cells has shown promising
dominated by the anti-obesity agenda. the anti-obesity results in the treatment of diabetic
agenda risks clouding the crucial fact that for many wounds such as foot ulcers, one of the
thousands of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, primary causes of amputation. the study
lifestyle was not an influencing factor. A focus on obesity was led by Dr. aonghus o’Loughlin of
supports a ‘blame culture’, and undermines efforts to develop better treatment and molecular medicine ireland and Professor
ultimately cure the conditions.” timothy o’brien at national university of
type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and is not caused by lifestyle factors ireland galway and galway university
such as diet and exercise. type 2 diabetes is sometimes linked to diet and exercise – but hospitals. a portion of the funding
not always. says addington, “the need for the uk to tackle its obesity problem must required for clinical trials has been
not obscure the equal need for the government to back greater investment in research provided by Diabetes ireland.
to cure, prevent and develop better treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.” Reported by Brenda Neugent, Diabetes Health,