LIVING MakinG caRBs count
Peanut allergy Malawian style peanut and banana bread
it’s estimated that 1–2% of people have
mild to severe allergic reaction to peanut
exposure; symptoms can range from ingredients
watery eyes to full-blown anaphylactic 225g plain flour
shock, which can be fatal if untreated. 1 tsp salt
because peanuts are widely used in 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
prepared and packaged foods, the 1 ½ tsp nutmeg, ground
avoidance of peanuts is difficult. Some 170g Fairtrade soft brown sugar
foods processed in facilities which also 85g butter
handle peanuts may carry warnings on 2 beaten eggs
their labels. 4 Fairtrade bananas
60g Fairtrade peanuts
Peanut plants
the entire peanut plant, including most of
the roots, is removed from the soil during
harvesting. the fruits have wrinkled shells
that are constricted between pairs of the
one to four (usually two) seeds per pod.
traditionally, peanuts were pulled and
inverted by hand, and is now done by
machine. inverting the plant and leaving it
on the soil allows the peanuts to dry slowly
to a bit less than a third of their original Preparation Method
moisture level over a period of three to 1. Pre heat the oven to 170c
four days. after the peanuts have dried 2. cream butter and sugar together
sufficiently, they are threshed, removing 3. add the beaten eggs slowly
the peanut pods from the rest of the bush. 4. coarsely chop the peanuts and roast them in the oven for a few minutes until they are
a darker shade (be careful they can burn easily)
Nut job 1. add the mashed bananas and nuts to the mixture
for a nut, the peanut is not only versatile 2. fold in all the dry ingredients
but can be made a part of the diabetic 3. spoon into a large loaf tin
diet. not only bringing protein and certain 4. bake for 50 minutes
nutrients but a carb value as well. you
can’t randomly eat peanuts as a snack The carb value of a slice of this cake will be high, combining as it does flour, bananas as
thinking that they’re carb-free, as they well as peanuts, which we’ve discovered do have a carb value, unlike other varieties of
have quite a significant carb impact, but nuts. allow about 60g of carbs per 100g serving, but it ought to be low gi and therefore
they can be factored in, adding as they do release its sugars slowly.
a ‘padding’ that should keep you fuller for
longer thanks to the protein content. so this recipe comes from fairtrade nut company Liberation foods which is co-owned by
enjoy, but do bear in mind that they are farming groups from countries including malawi, bolivia , brazil , Peru and india.
a bit fatty to eat too often and stay slim!