2-3 in the future but using no more blood
tests than normal. It delivers the benefits
of an insulin pump without the pump,
integrating data from multiple diabetes
devices in real time ‘in the cloud.’
Virtual reality
Working as a ‘virtual insulin pump’, it
provides carb-counting, an online bolus
Wizard, different time period rates for
target bgLs, as well as insulin:carb ratios
while also keeping track of active insulin
to prevent ‘stacking’. it gives precise,
actionable information about highs and
Lows and how to fix them, such as “Take
three jelly beans now, and then have
17grams carbohydrate because there is
still 1.3 units of active insulin.”
managebgL.com provides real-time
sharing of data between parents, school
and doctors. Data from multiple diabetic
devices is integrated in the cloud. a series
of graphs show exactly how insulin and
carbohydrates interact, making life easier
for new diabetics and old ones alike.
normal diabetic statistics like weight,
ketones, hba1cs, blood pressure,
exercise and stress can also be logged.
managebgL.com provides extensive
reports, as well as maintaining a central
record of emergency contact information.
managebgL.com provides intelligent
coaching, with suggestions and warnings
the main thing when it comes to data The screenshot (above) is
based on bgL readings, linked to online
is to overcome your worries and concerns
references. it can import data from any
and start doing it. once you get used to from the ManageBGL app
meter, pump or management system,
designed to run on Windows and mac
downloading your data and your doubts and showing various aspects
reservations will be minimised. you might
Pcs, iPads, iPods, and iPhone and any
even start enjoying working out patterns of down-loaded data.
smart Phone, and has special layouts for
and sorting out solutions for yourself.
iPhone. it can also export data back to any
knowledge is, afterall, power. so grab that
management system. an open aPi allows
meter and download that data!
diabetic device from any manufacturer to
See next page for some nifty meters.
push data into the system.
continued over