Founder and dietitian Chris Cheyette
introduces Carbs and Cals Flashcards
ver the years, we have
always looked at ways
to support healthcare
professionals with
teaching different
aspects of nutrition. This includes carb
counting and portion sizes, as well as
increasing awareness of other important
components of healthy eating, such as
fibre intake.
Having facilitated many diabetes
education courses, I was aware of the
benefit of a variety of teaching methods
to help people grasp different concepts.
Many of us have used flashcards in
the past for exam revision and spelling
tests. They can be an effective addition
to a learning practice in order to retain
information, and are a great way for
healthcare professionals to incorporate a
different style of teaching and group work
into their sessions. As there weren't any
high-quality nutrition flashcards available,
we decided to produce some - first
starting with a playing-card size pack, and
then moving to the much bigger size of
the current packs.
Why flashcards?
The books and flashcards serve different
purposes: the flashcards are designed
to be used as a teaching resource both
by healthcare professionals and people
at home, whereas the book is used as a
reference guide with a much wider range
of foods.
• The Carb & Calorie Counter book
contains 1,700 food photos and is for daily
One of the Carbs and Cals Flashcards for a popular Italian meal.
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