During the virus outbreak the app is
free for anyone who wants to use it.
Roche Diabetes Care is offering free
access to the mySugr Pro app in the
UK and the Republic of Ireland during
the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic (usually
£20.99 per year).The app allows you
to enter blood glucose results from any
device and is already used by more
than 2m registered users worldwide.
The Pro version of mySugr has valuable
additional features to help with diabetes
self-management. There are also support
videos. To be clear, anyone
can use mySugr Pro,
just plug in your results
manually. Anyone who
already has an AccuChek Mobile can get a
complimentary wireless
adapter that will send your results
directly to the app.
To read how to get the app for
Top left: the mySugr icon. Top: a
shot of the app. Above: the app
talks directly to Accu-Chek's
Mobile meter via an adaptor.
A digital version of DESMOND - a course to help support people with type 2 diabetes
- is available for free while the UK is under lockdown. DESMOND is a gold standard
Type 2 diabetes structured education programme developed by the Leicester Diabetes
Centre. The evidence-based course, proven to lower HbA1c, a measurement of
blood glucose levels over a two to threemonth period, is only usually available to
those whose local area has commissioned
To read more and to find out how to
access this resource CLICK HERE.
Clinical Psychologist and author Dr Jen
Bateman (nee Nash, pictured), who also
has Type 1 diabetes, has focused her
career on disordered eating habits for
people with diabetes but also anyone
else. She says, "Now that many of us
are living and working in new ways, with
huge changes to our daily schedule,
commitments and time, I'd like to support
you in your relationship with food over
the coming weeks to let you know that
the health, wellbeing and freedom you
are looking for is possible even in these
circumstances. The series includes both
written articles and YouTube videos
so you can make use of them in
whatever way suits you. If you're able
to get out for a daily walk, it may be an
accompaniment to listen along in your
earphones and inspire you as you go."
To read more about Dr Jen's
resources, CLICK HERE.
See various resources from Abbott,
not only about
the company's
own FreeStyle
LIbre and
products but
also from
Diabetes UK,
JDRF, DTN, Leicester Diabetes
Centre and TREND.