A beer often appeals when the sun is out,
something about a long, cold drink in the
heat. Waitrose has introduced a new beer
after hosting the Great British Homebrew
Challenge, now in its fourth year, which
sets out to find the country's best
home-brewed beer. The winning recipe,
chosen by a panel of experts including
Thornbridge's Head Brewer, Rob Lovatt,
and Waitrose Buying Manager, Jamie
Matthewson, is brewed by Thornbridge
and became available at the end of last
year. The beer is named 'Mr Smith Gose
to...' after the well-known 1939 Frank Capra
film 'Mr Smith Goes to Washington' and
is made with Mello Watermelon Juice, a
product available from the supermarket.
The winning brew was made by Stoke
Newington resident Josh (pictured below)
who has been brewing at home for five
years. He says, "The beer was inspired by
a watermelon, feta and mint salad recipe I
really like. Watermelon works so well with
salty flavours and I naturally made the
connection to Gose - a sour and salty
beer. I had tried Mello watermelon juice
from Waitrose and was impressed
by how much flavour it had, so
used that in my beer. This beer
can be made into Mexican inspired
cocktails too, like Michelada, and
is also delicious mixed with tequila
and lime."
K1 beer is a new brew certified
as being very low in carbs, sugar
free, with no artificial additives or
sweeteners. It is available in in
about 50 restaurants and is now
available off-trade from Amazon.
It is a unique product made with
a totally different brewing process
to other beers. An enzyme breaks
down the sugar at a molecular
level, turns it to alcohol, losing
between 50-70% of the calorific