LIVINGLIVINGcontinued over
pice Health Heroes is a
cookbook by American
chef Natasha MacAller,
who is known as the
Dancing Chef as she
was formerly a professional ballerina.
Both careers are performance arts
and creative disciplines that demand
dedication and hours of painstaking
practice, MacAller started ballet lessons
at age 6 and turned professional at 13.
During her 30 years as a professional
ballerina she performed with New
York's prestigious Joffrey Ballet and
the Boston Ballet. She used the time
during her seasonal layoffs to become
a professional cook, eventually setting
up her own catering business. For eight
years she owned and operated Dancing
Chef Catering, serving mainly TV,
theatre, film and the food industry folks,
catering for events in all sorts of creative
A chef's new cookbook keeps spices centre-stage, adding
flavour to foods instead of sugars.
FULL FLAVOUR: Natashe MacAller's Spice Health Heroes
cookbook unlocks the power of spice for health, flavour and
well-being, from publisher, Jacqui Small. Spices add flavour
without adding sugar, so are a good option for diabetics.