Tesco has launched the UK's first ever
range of mushrooms which are grown
in extra light to naturally enhance their
vitamin D levels, so that they are more
similar to wild outdoor grown varieties.
Mushrooms contain a substance called
ergosterol which allows them to naturally
make vitamin D when they are exposed to
light. The launch of the new range includes
Chestnut, Baby Chestnut and Portobello
mushrooms. Recent reports by health
experts express concerns that people
do not get enough vitamin D during the
darker winter months. The vitamin is
naturally created in our bodies when
exposed to sunshine, hence the lack of
it in the darker months.The mushrooms
are grown exclusively for Tesco by
Monaghan Mushrooms who are based in
the Republic of Ireland. The mushrooms
are clearly marked with a sticker that they
are enriched with vitamin D.
The latest launch from one of the UK's
most familiar honey brand contains all the
natural goodness of Rowse Honey but
in convenient 15g, single serve sachets.
Snap & Squeeze contains 100% pure
and natural honey and can be used
to give yourself a quick fix if your blood
sugar is going low, snap open to dispense
the honey, with no mess. Rowse Honey
Snap & Squeeze RRP £2.59 with 8x 15g
sachets per box.
Available from supermarkets and
Three years ago Alix
Avery, a product
designer and yo-yo
dieter, had a 'lightbulb'
Having wanted to
change her eating
habits permanentl,
she'd had some
hypnotherapy and
the words 'your
stomach is the
size of an orange'
stayed with her. She
wanted to control her
portion size easily,
without weighing and
counting calories yet
still eat the food her
family enjoyed. Hence
the Full Stop Bowl was born. Dishwasher safe and microwavable, the plastic bowl is
stomach-shaped, as a visual reminder of the amount you should eat at mealtimes. You
can fill it with the food the rest of the family is eating. It is recommended that you allow
20 minutes to eat your food, giving your brain enough time to recognise that you are
full. Many people eat too much, too quickly, which contributes to weight gain. Designed
and manufactured in Great Britain, it is £17.99 (plus P&P)