GrapEFruit trEatS hEart DiSEaSE
Published in biochemical Journal, activation of immune cells, which then stick
research has identified molecules to the so-called vascular endothelial cells
occurring naturally in fruit that may play (veCs) that line the blood vessels. this can
an important role in the future treatment of begin a process of excessive inflammation
heart disease. Flavanoid molecules found through the local production of immune
in citrus fruits, particularly grapefruit, molecules, blocking the blood vessels and
have proven effective at reducing cause cardiovascular disease.
the inflammation which can lead to a team of researchers from the
cardiovascular disease. these molecules University of glasgow’s institute of
may hold the key to the development of a Molecular, Cell and systems biology
new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs identified a range of plant-derived small
which are cheaper, easier to produce and molecules that activate the natural
less toxic than current therapies. defences in veCs, thereby inhibiting the
Many diseases of the circulatory processes triggered by immune cells that
system are linked to the improper lead to excessive inflammation.
Natural mooD booStS
as we head into autumn, our body clocks melatonin and also stimulate the body’s
might be starting to react. Melatonin is own melatonin production. Cow’s milk
one of the hormones responsible for also contains natural melatonin, especially
controlling your body clock (also known if the cows are milked at night.
as the circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake third, try to reduce your stress levels.
cycle). by activating certain types of the stress hormone cortisol is released in
chemical receptors in the brain Melatonin times of physical and psychological stress.
encourages sleep (and is sometimes it keeps the body from resting and blocks
called the sleep hormone). While you can melatonin production. simple exercise and
have it prescribed in medicinal doses, you small, consciously timed breaks during the
can also boost your own melatonin levels day can help achieve this.
by incorporating some changes into your Lastly, avoid the wrong type of light.
lifestyle if you’re not getting enough sleep. People often exposed to bright light sources
First, soak up more sunlight. Light is in the evening or at night should carefully
the most important factor in regulating choose appropriate lamps. the large
the human biorhythm so the first rule proportion of blue light in many energy-
for restorative sleep is catching enough saving light bulbs is damaging to the natural
sunlight during the day. Only those who melatonin release in the body. but not only
consume a lot of light in daytime can conventional light sources can cause harm
produce high amounts melatonin when to the human day-night-cycle. televisions,
it is dark. getting enough exercise in computer screens and smartphones have
daylight especially during the darker the same effect. the light emitted by these
seasons is vital for healthy sleep. devices is also in the blue spectrum and
second, eat melatonin-rich food. inhibits melatonin release.
Cherries, nuts and fish (especially salmon For information on a melatonin
or herring) can be sources of additional supplement, see Milchkristalle.