LIVING mAkinG cArBs counT
are high energy but slow release, which Chicken tagine with prunes
is why they are often recommended as a (Serves 4)
carb snack for sports.
Chicken quartered (or legs & thighs
California dreaming for 4)
the process of drying plums to make
1 large onion cut into rings
prunes is thought to have originated
1 large garlic cloves crushed
thousands of years ago in an area near
4 tablespoons olive oil
the Caspian sea, the same region where
25g (1oz) fresh ginger finely chopped
the prune-producing european plums
Juice 1 lemon
originated. they spread throughout
2 tablespoon honey
europe with the migration of different
10 prunes, stones removed and cut
cultures and civilizations.
into quarters
the process of drying plums to
produce prunes took hold in California,
2 tsp ground cinnamon
now the leading producer of prunes
2 tsp orange blossom water
worldwide, in the mid-19th century when
1 pint vegetable stock
Louis Pellier planted grafted plum tree
cuttings brought back with him from his 1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan
native France. among these trees were stir in the onions and cook until
those belonging to the agen variety, the soft and coloured. add the garlic
type of plum that is extremely well suited and ginger and cook gently for a minute. stir in the cinnamon and
to be dried to make prunes. tip into a tagine or casserole dish.
California is the largest producer of
prunes in the world due to the regions’
2. Brown the chicken in the same saucepan and transfer to the
rigorous harvesting techniques and quality
control assessments and contributes
60% of the world’s prune supplies. Mark
Dorman, international Marketing Director 3. Add the stock to the chicken and onion mixture in the tagine
of the Californian Prune board says, “this and stir well, salt and pepper to taste.
EFSA ruling has confirmed what people
have known for centuries and should help 4. Put in the oven on a medium heat, 190C, for about 1 to 1 1/2
people make a more informed choice hours until cooked.
about what they are eating and feeding
their families. Prunes are a healthy and 5. Remove tagine from oven and add the prunes, lemon juice and orange
nutritious and we finally have an eU blossom water. Stir well and return to the oven for 20 minutes, until the
health ruling which confirms that prunes dates are soft, and the sauce is a nice consistency.
offer a convenient way to maintain good
digestive function.” 6. serve with roasted vegetables and couscous.
For EFSA (2010) Scientific Opinion
on Dietary Reference values for this recipe was taken from the Little Orange Cookbook which can be downloaded
carbohydrates and dietary fibre click here. from