i with eight out of k and manganese, which support the
ten adults in the Uk maintenance of normal bones.
not eating enough Prunes are the dried version of
fibre, according to European plums. Prunes’ soluble fibre
the national Diet helps normalize blood sugar levels by
and nutrition survey, the recent european slowing the rate at which food leaves the
Food safety authority (eFsa) ruling is stomach and by delaying the absorption
welcome news for health professionals of glucose (the form in which sugar is
and provides final scientific proof of what transported in the blood) following a
generations of people have known for meal. Soluble fiber also increases insulin
centuries, that prunes are good for your sensitivity and can therefore play a helpful
digestion. role in the prevention and treatment
Registered dietitian Jennette Higgs of type 2 diabetes. The soluble fibre in
says, “For normal bowel function the prunes promotes a sense of satisfied
recommendation is that we eat 25g of fullness after a meal by slowing the rate
fibre in our diet every day, and yet 80% at which food leaves the stomach, so
of the Uk does not eat enough. Fibre prunes can also help prevent overeating See overleaf for a recipe from
comes from fruits, vegetables, salad, and weight gain. the Little Orange Cookbook
wholegrains, nuts and seeds, so it is The insoluble fiber provided by prunes
important to include a plentiful range of feed friendly bacteria in the digestive tract,
these foods in your daily diet.” which helps to maintain larger populations
Recent studies have shown that
the average fibre intake of UK adults is
currently 18.4g/day, which is 26% below
of friendly bacteria. the ability of plum and
prune to increase absorption of iron into
the body has also been documented in
“ Soluble fiber found in prunes
increases insulin sensitivity and can
the recommended dietary fibre intake of published research.
25g/day. Eating 100g (8-12) of prunes For a cup of prunes (or 100g), there’s therefore play a helpful role in the
every day as part of a balanced diet will zero fat or salt, but 30% of your vitamin prevention and treatment of type 2
provide the beneficial digestive health k needs, based on Recommended
effect and contributes 7.1g (or a quarter) Daily Amounts (RDA), 20% of your RDA
of the recommended fibre intake. of potassium, 28% of your dietary fibre
the eFsa ruling comes as a result needs, 10% of your vitamin B needs
of six years of comprehensive study to and will be only 100 calories. However,
demonstrate the beneficial effect of prunes the carb load is 64g for the same 100g,
on digestive health and brings together although it is of a low GI of 29 (so they
the total weight of evidence brought
from a series of studies concerning gut continued over
function, as a result of incorporating
prunes in the diet.
When three is five
Three prunes provides one of the five-
a-day fruit and vegetable requirements
necessary for a healthy and balanced
diet and prunes are also a good source of
potassium, which helps maintain normal
blood pressure; a source of vitamin
b6 and copper, which support normal
functioning of both the immune and
nervous systems; and a source of vitamin