Bring me sunshine
Sunlight is also linked to the creation of UK is usually all it takes for fair-skinned If your shadow is shorter than you,
Vitamin D by the skin, and as we often person to replenish their supply of vitamin the sun is at the right angle to produce
have cloudcover and our winter nights are D. During 2012 the National Osteoporosis vitamin D. Your body cannot produce
longer, most of the population probably Society ran its fifth Sunlight Campaign vitamin D thorough windows - you need
has sub-optimal Vitamin D levels. As we to remind people across the UK to get to be outside. Even on cloudy summer
reported in the news pages of the August outside for a few minutes every day to days, we can still produce vitamin D but it
issue, this autumn followed a summer keep their vitamin D levels topped up. can take a little longer.
exceedingly short on sunshine. Less than 10% of vitamin D comes
As many as 1 in 6 of us risk a from food. Omega-3 rich foods, such as
deficiency of vitamin D. Known as the oily fish, egg yolks and fortified spreads
‘sunshine vitamin’, a 20-minute exposure and cereals contain some vitamin D, but
to sunlight 2 - 3 times per week in the not enough. Supplements can help.