Beyond Type 1, the global organisation for the Type 1 diabetes community has launched
further websites in Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Swedish. In addition to expanding
its reach with multiple languages, extra content includes personal stories and resources
created for and by the Type 1 diabetes community. Beyond Type 1 launched in 2015 in
English, then in Spanish in 2017. Dexcom and Insulet support the new websites.
Diabetes Technology Network UK, an
association of medical practitioners with
specialties in diabetes care has been in
contact with all companies supplying
insulin pump, continuous glucose
monitoring and flash glucose monitoring
in the UK at this time. We can reassure
all users of diabetes technology that
none of these companies are anticipating
significant interruptions to their supply
chain due to the Coronavirus crisis. We
would ask that people do not attempt to
stockpile supplies of consumables as this
is unnecessary and may create problems
for other users. If demand remains as
normal, there will be no shortages.
Companies may experience short term
supply problems with some items, as
is usual, but if this occurs these are
expected to resolve quickly. You will be
contacted in the event that this situation
For insulin pump users whose
warranties are due to expire soon, the
companies involved have agreed that
warranties will be extended. Please
see the statement from Medtronic and
the statement from Roche (download
PDFs below). For Omnipod, Insulet have
stated that users requiring a replacement
PDM will be assisted regardless of
manufacturing warranty, with any
replacement issued being of the same
model currently being used. DTN are very
grateful for these commitments, which
will allow users to continue to benefit from
insulin pump therapy without needing to
attend appointments for a pump upgrade.
We will release a further statement later
this week regarding remote insulin pump
upgrades and CGM starts.
Medtronic warranty letter.
Roche warranty letter.
New research suggests that dental
teams could play an integral role in the
early detection of Type 2 diabetes as
well as identifying people at high risk of
developing the condition.
Researchers at the University of
Birmingham found that using risk
assessment tools, such as patient
questionnaires and blood testing within a
dental surgery setting, could lead to better
outcomes for patients and improved
diabetes management.
Gum disease (severe periodontitis)
is significantly linked to Type 2 diabetes,
and with links between compromised
glycaemic status and oral health, dental
professionals could be vital in the
identification of the condition.
Lead researcher Professor Iain
Chapple, Head of the University of
Birmingham's School of Dentistry said:
"Our review identified positive attitudes
of physicians, dental team members,
patients and the public towards risk
assessing and early case detection of
diabetes and pre-diabetes within the
dental surgery. Patients also strongly
supported tests being undertaken that
provided immediate results.
"Not only does this demonstrate that
there may be benefit in engaging the dental
workforce to identify these cases, but
also shows a need for a more joined-up
approach to care pathways between
physicians and dental practitioners."
To read the full paper CLICK HERE.