Glucose oxidase: An enzyme
commonly used in all invasive blood
glucose monitors and CGM sensors,
fundamentally because it works.
HbA1c: A blood test that gives you
a kind of a 'finger print' of your sugar
levels for the previous three months.
Time in Range (TIR): the amount of
time your glucose levels were within a
pre-defined range.
ABOVE LEFT: A sensor (on the left) and transmitter. ABOVE CENTRE: A
sensor being inserted into the transmitter. This is pressed into place on
the arm after it has been primed with the preparation patch (ABOVE
RIGHT). OPPOSITE: A sugarBEAT transmitter.
factors are affecting your glucose levels
during the course of the day.
"One of the great motivators for the
development team was to improve quality
of life for people with diabetes," explains
Chowdhury, "not just making it all about
the measurement, but making it about
ease of measurement and access to the
results in an easily understandable way."
The sugarBEAT sensor is extra
sensitive. It will pick up around onemillionth of the amount of glucose that is
normally present in the blood. The sensor
signals are transmitted via Bluetooth to the
reader - an app on a smartphone -where
is converted into a glucose value using an
algorithm. This information is picked up
every five minutes, which means the app
can pick up on trends of blood glucose
going up or down. Alarms can be set to
indicate if this is happening safely or may
need attention. It is also possible within
the app to check other parameters, such
as how much time the user has spent 'in
range' (TIR).
PLUS • Diabetes kit • Giveaways • News (for T1 and T2) • Food News
Access to blood test strips
and meters: your choice
Screen Time
(part 2): meters
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"Helping people to assess lifestyle
change choices such as what food they
eat what exercise they take and how
effective their medications are can lead us
to beat diabetes," says Chowdhury.
We'll report further as soon as this
sensor starts to become available and will
chart its progress. It's about time Type 2s
were allowed in on the sensor revolution.