amount of Vitamin a (170% of rDa). in Thai-Style Chicken &
the process it performs many important Butternut Salad
functions in overall health.
Serves 4-6
current research points to a diet
rich in foods containing beta-carotene
reducing the risk of developing certain
types of cancer as well as protecting 1 small butternut squash
against heart disease. it’s also low-calorie, salt, pepper and oil
can lower cholesterol and can aid weight 1/2 cucumber
reduction too, though it does have a carb- 1 red pepper
count (100g of pumpkin is around 6g of 2-3 sticks celery
carbohydrate) and needs to be counted 150g mushrooms
as part of a diabetic diet. 150g cooked chicken
Seeds of hope Dressing:
Pumpkins, and their seeds, are native to 5cm fresh root ginger
the americas, and indigenous species 1 red chilli
are found across north america, south Juice of 1 lime
america, and central america. they are 60ml fish sauce
an excellent source of dietary fiber and 1 tbsp caster sugar
mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are
good for heart health. Use prawns for this in place of the chicken if you prefer - both
the seeds are also a concentrated are delicious.
source of protein, minerals and vitamins.
For instance, 100 g of pumpkin seeds
provide 559 calories, 30 g of protein, 1 Quarter the squash and remove the seeds with a spoon. season with salt
110% rDa of iron, 4987 mg of niacin and pepper and drizzle with oil, then roast in a hot oven at gas mark 7, 220
(31% rDa), selenium (17% of rDa), zinc degrees for 40-45 minutes until tender. Allow to cool, then scoop the flesh
(71%) etc., but no cholesterol. off the skin and dice or shape with a melon baller.
there is some research evidence from
animal studies about pumpkin seeds 2 seed and dice the cucumber and pepper, slice the celery and the
preventing or helping the treatment of mushrooms, if they are bigger than buttons.
diabetes. studies on laboratory animals
have shown the ability of ground pumpkin 3 grate the unpeeled ginger coarsely, gather it in your hand and squeeze
seeds, pumpkin seed extracts, and the juice into a bowl. Seed and finely chop the chili, add it with the remaining
pumpkin seed oil to improve insulin dressing ingredients to the ginger juice and whisk together. toss the salad
regulation in diabetic animals and to ingredients and the chicken together in the dressing before serving.
prevent some unwanted consequences
of diabetes on kidney function. Decrease
in oxidative stress has played a key role this recipe was taken from rosemary moon recipe, from ‘more than just soup and
in many studies that show benefits of lanterns, creative cooking with pumpkins and squashes’.
pumpkin seeds for diabetic animals.