diabetes. this is not an insulin but another does not have to done with a meal and gets worse over time and is the reason
injectable treatment (a gLP-1 inhibitor, needs only to be done once a day. why the diabetes control also tends
known as an incretin). it improves how speaking about the new drug, to deteriorate over time. gLP-1 is one
insulin works in the body (i.e. addresses Professor anthony barnett has said, of the hormones released in the gut
insulin resistance) while reducing the risk of “there is the dual impact in type 2 diabetes in response to food. it has a number
hypos and helping patients feel full longer. of insulin resistance and pancreatic beta of important natural functions in the
While Victoza has to be injected it cell dysfunction – the latter in particular body. these include stimulation of the
pancreas to produce insulin in a ‘glucose
dependent’ manner. this means it only
Accu-Chek 3-day pattern analysis pack works when glucose levels are high
or rising. also, gLP-1 suppresses
glucagon production -- stopping the
This neat new pack from Accu-Chek with long-term implications. It includes liver from producing glucose. thirdly, it
is designed to help irregular testers several tips about understanding your slows the gut from emptying, so people
to see patterns in their blood testing, diabetes, particularly in relation to feel fuller longer. this means there is the
helping them to understand how to carbohydrates and medication taken sense of ‘satiety’, the idea that you just
better control their blood glucose as well as 25 Aviva strips, 24 lancets feel sated and full, therefore you don’t
levels. All that is required is that they (four drums of six lancets), a DVD and keep eating.”
do seven tests a day for three days, instructions. You will need to already
before and after each meal, then once have an Accu-Chek meter (Aviva, Nano., More oral meds
before bed. Plotted on a paper graph, etc) and a Fastclix lancing device (to use one of the great undertakings in the
the results tell a story, the aim of which the lancet drums). current world of diabetes care is to
is to assist your learning curve. The pack is £19.99 initially from the keep type 2s on a pill-only medication
The pack enables the use of the bigger Boots stores, later from Lloyds delivery system, and even to try to
Accu-Chek 360 software with the Pharmacies and others. Any changes to find a pill delivery method for people
aid of a paper-based tool (in the medication should be agreed with your currently injecting insulin, whether type
form of the graph). It means making Health Care Professional. 1 or type 2 (as many type 2s end up on
small steps to improved control, but insulin in the long run as it’s the optimal
therapy after a few years on pills such as
metformin). these pill delivery systems
are called oaDs oaD (oral anti-diabetic)
drugs. For example, capsulin oaD is
currently in development by a company
called Diabetology for the treatment of
type 2 diabetes. using compounds that
appear to facilitate insulin absorption in
the small intestine well enough to meet
clinical objectives, potentially improving
compliance (i.e. patients taking the
drugs they are prescribed). in addition
is capsulin ir (insulin replacement)
treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
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