rAIsIng money WItH An APP
Kris Wood, Donor Development Officer at your control. over time this may
JDrf is encouraging people to take up help you identify trends and reasons
the mysugr challenge (their spelling, not for highs and lows. now mysugr, a
ours!), saying, “type 1 diabetes is one of registered medical app for the iPhone
the few medical conditions where almost (and coming soon to android) offers
all of the clinical care is administered by a way to do this and raise money for
the patient rather than a doctor. We all JDrf at the same time.
know how important good blood glucose take on the ‘sweat for the cure’
control is and how challenging achieving challenge in the mysugr app and
it can be. We also know how difficult it record 30 minutes of exercise over two
can be to prioritise control within all of the days and mysugr will make a donation
normal demands of daily life. recording to help JDrf support research to cure,
and reviewing your blood glucose levels, treat and prevent type 1, including
carbohydrate intake and insulin dose, research into a ‘vaccine’.”
alongside factors like exercise, mood and
the time of day can help you understand
Honest exercIse (er, noPe!) HormonAl
mAkes BetA
cells more
research has revealed that half of people it comes to exercise, with 64% of the total as reported in science magazine, and
admit to lying about the level of exercise female respondents admitted to doing so, subsequently by Diabetes Daily, a newly
that they do, finding that women were compared to 44% of men. discovered hormone in mice prompts
much more likely to lie than men. the of those that confessed to lying, the the rodents to boost their production of
study polled 1,556 men and women from majority, 68% claimed to ‘exaggerate’ pancreatic beta cells, the ones that make
around the uk as part of research into their level of exercise, by adding ‘time insulin and are missing or not productive
exercise habits. to their workout’ (28%), lying about the enough in patients with diabetes. the
respondents were initially asked ‘Do weight they lift (34%) or how far they’ve hormone, called betatrophin, is made by
you ever lie about the amount of exercise run or cycled (41%). However, 22% of people as well, and its discoverers hope
that you’ve undertaken?’ to which 52% respondents admitted that they ‘outright that the effect in the human pancreas
confessed that they did. the remaining lied’ about exercising; claiming that they’d might be similar. that could make
48% claimed not to. When the results done some when in actual fact they’d betatrophin a potential new therapy for
were split between the sexes, it appears ‘done none at all’. diabetes.
that women are the more likely to lie when read the full story here.