similar way to a pump infusion set. it then to assess how much rem you’re getting.
shows on its own screen your trends and Or keep a fitbit about your person -- a
patterns. because the glucose level that tiny pedometer that keeps tracks of your
can be tested in your interstitial body fluid footsteps daily. and, lucky diabetics can
is 10-15 minutes ‘behind’ that of your wear a permanent insulin pump – current
blood test, if you are going to do a bolus models are mainly those with tubing, the
you really ought to do a blood test first to newer ones are ‘patch’ pumps, where
get the most up-to-date reading and not insulin is delivered from a patch that’s
rely solely on your cgm reading. worn on the body. insulin delivery, in terms
of bolus and basal rates, is managed from
The future a hand-held device that doubles up as a
a new era of wearable technology is blood test meter too, with instructions
dawning. the iWatch cometh – how being sent via bluetooth or wireless
would you like a computer operating connections.
system on your wrist? What about a pair maybe one day, if your pump is
of google glasses? You could then watch compatible with other wireless devices,
data streaming into your spectacles. or you might be seeing your blood test logs
wear an seo headband when you sleep on your wristwatch. The Accu-Chek Spirit Combo insulin pump.