A little bit of history Steak & beetroot sandwich
founded in 1990, the british sandwich with honey & mustard dressing (Serves 2)
association is the collective voice of the
british sandwich industry representing For the dressing mix:
a vast membership of organisations 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
involved in the making, distributing or 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
retailing of sandwiches. the sandwich 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
industry is doing its bit to help people 1 tsp honey
make the most of their lunch break; 1 small clove garlic, crushed
consumers buying sandwiches in busy salt & freshly ground black pepper
city locations queue for less than 2
minutes. british consumers manage For the sandwich:
to munch their way through over 3.2 a 2-3cm-thick slice of ribeye steak
billion ready-made sandwiches each (approx. 225g weight)
year and spend over £6.5 billion buying 1 tbsp olive oil
sandwiches from retail/catering outlets a little sea salt & fresh ground pepper
each year. 2-4 shallots, finely sliced (or just use some
the first ‘packaged’ sandwich is watercress leaves)
believed to have been launched by marks 2-3 cooked beetroot, sliced
& spencer in 1985 thanks to the creation a ciabatta loaf sliced open and cut in half
of a ‘easy seal’ pack by Hans blokmann, (or bread of choice)
the then technical director of packaging
supplier Danisco otto nielsen. Heat the oil in a heavy based frying pan until smoking hot. season the steak on both
sides with a little salt and pepper. Lay the steak in the pan and fry, undisturbed, on one
An aristocratic heritage side for 2-3 minutes. flip over and fry on the other side for a further 2-3 minutes. for a
The first actual sandwich – in name 2-3cm thick piece of meat these timings should give you a medium steak (cook a little
at least – was created by the 4th earl less for rare, a little more for well done). remove the steak and allow to rest on a warm
of sandwich in 1762 when he called plate tightly covered in foil.
for some ‘cuts of beef ‘ to be placed
between toasted slices of bread so that add the shallots (if using) to the frying pan and fry for a few minutes over a medium high
he could continue gambling while he heat until softening and beginning to caramelise. remove to a plate and keep warm.
ate. it is believed that sandwich making Lay the ciabatta, cut side down, in the frying pan and toast lightly for a minute or two.
dates from well before this time but was
largely a food eaten by peasants. the slice the steak into 1cm wide strips across the grain and divide between 2 pieces of
Earl’s request elevated it from the fields ciabatta. top with the sliced beetroot and fried onions. Drizzle over a little of the dressing
to the tables of the aristocracy and our and cover with the top of the ciabatta. serve immediately. any leftover dressing with keep
lunchboxes! in the fridge for at least a week.
“Lunch is for wimps”
– Gordon Gekko, character in the film Wall Street (1987)