OPPOSITE: This family helped raise funds for Diabetes UK by
taking part in this year's London Bridges Challenge.
TOP: James Norton, actor and Type 1 diabetic, speaks at the
Sugarplum Dinner to fundraise for JDRF.
ABOVE: A 14-mile walking challenge raised money for IDDT.
all our supporters for making a difference.
Your support has opened up opportunities
across the UK and internationally for
more Type 1 diabetes research year on
year. Your voice helps us lobby for better
access to life changing technology. Your
commitment drives us to break barriers
and form new partnerships to find a
cure. Your generosity and determination
to see the end of Type 1 diabetes is an
inspiration. We at JDRF are excited about
the year ahead and the progress we
will make together to eradicate Type 1
diabetes for good. Thank you, again, for
all that you do."
As 2017 comes to an end, these are
some of JDRF's achievements that would
not have been possible without this
• Break-through results for three
major research projects into smart insulin,
immunotherapy treatment and the effects
of using a continuous glucose monitor
continued over