Excellence in Type 2 diabetes structured
education has been recognised in the
inaugural DESMOND awards. Almost 30
submissions were made to the awards
programme, which aimed to reward
excellence and share learning across
the DESMOND community (diabetes
education and self-monitoring for ongoing
and newly diagnosed).
Bernie Stribling, director of the
DESMOND Programme, said the five
winning entries showed 'star quality' and
the awards in general demonstrated a
'wealth of good practice'. The winners
were revealed on World Diabetes Day,
which this year had a healthy living
message relating to the prevention of Type
2 diabetes and the effective management
of diabetes to avoid complications.
Commenting on the event, Stribling
says, "The standard was high with a
degree of excellence demonstrated by
many of the entries. It was clear from the
all of the entries that DESMOND is making
L-R: DESMOND's Bernie
Stribling and Alison Northern
busy judging in the inaugural Celebrating DESMOND
a difference to the lives of people with,
and at risk of, Type 2 diabetes, with teams
going above and beyond in delivering the
DESMOND Programme. Congratulations
to the winners and thank you to everyone
who entered."
On 14th November many people with
diabetes did something for World Diabetes
Day. Among the many organisations doing
something big for the day was JDRF
UK, which organised a 'come to school
in a onesie for Type Onesies' in schools
across the country. I'm delighted that
my nephew, right, made it to school in a
'onesie' along with many other children at
his school.
#TypeOnesie is JDRF's campaign
for World Diabetes Day aiming to raise
awareness of Type 1 diabetes and money
for JDRF.
Abbott has been struggling to keep
up with the demand for its new
FreeStyle Libre sensors following
the launch of the technology in
October. People already using
FreeStyle Libre will be unaffected
and will be able to re-order sensors
for continued use. Abbott anticipates
being able to supply product to new
customers in the next few months,
as manufacturing enhancements
are implemented.