For those who wish to self-fund there is
a starter pack consisting of a box of x4
sensors plus x1 transmitter for £225.
Ongoing costs are £35 for one sensor
that will last a week, or £140 for a box
of x4 sensors, which will last month.
Medtrum CGM
starter pack
A6 TouchCare
patch pump
A6 TouchCare
CGM sensor
A6 TouchCare
The details
Medtrum A6 TouchCare system:
• A6 TouchCare insulin patch pump
• A6 TouchCare CGM sensors
• A6 TouchCare System: insulin patch
pump integrated with CGM sensors
The Medtrum A6 TouchCare patch pump
comes with a personal diabetes manager
(PDM), which controls the pump base.
The pump base - which is the patch part
that attaches to the body - is the 'brains'
of the system. The patch pump has a
short steel cannula that goes into the
body. Being made of steel means there is
a greatly reduced likelihood of occlusion
(blockages), and it's much less likely to
kink. A6 TouchCare Insulin Patch Pump:
x10 reservoir patches in a box. Each is
worn for three days, so one box lasts a
month. The pump base is reused and is
guaranteed for four years.
Medtrum A6 TouchCare CGM
comprises of a transmitter and a glucose
sensor. Each sensor is worn for seven
days, so one box lasts a month. The CGM
transmitter is rechargeable. The sensors
take a measurement every two minutes,
the most frequent of any glucosemonitoring sensor currently
Data picked up by the associated
smartphone app includes trend graphs to
show if blood glucose is rising or falling.