meTformiN HelPS HeArT AmeNded
a chinese research study of diabetes over a five-year period. The patients were APPlicATioN
patients with coronary heart disease randomly assigned either the sulfonylurea
Diabetes uk has launched an android
concluded that metformin is more glipizide (30 mg daily) or metformin (1.5
version of its award-winning Diabetes
effective than glipizide in reducing the risk g daily) for three years, according to
tracker app. Designed by experts,
of major cardiovascular events, such as Diabetes health staff. researchers said
including people with diabetes, can help
stroke and heart attack. that this was the first known head-to-
with your self-management allowing your
researchers at the shanghai Jiao head comparison of the two drugs’ ability
to log and track a range of data, like blood
tong university school of medicine to affect the incidence of cardio-vascular
glucose levels, insulin and carbs. you can
studied 304 patients, ages 36 to 80, events. one explanation for metformin’s
share with your healthcare professionals
superior performance may be that it has
if you wish. With use and over time it can
anti-atherosclerotic properties-the ability
let you see your results over weeks and
to help blood vessels resist the hardening
associated with diabetic inflammation.
the iPhone
version of the
WHiTe meN riSk limb loSS
app appeared
in september
2011 and been
White men living in poorer areas are the are so many unnecessary amputations. nearly 30,000
group with the highest risk of diabetes- naomi holman, the yorkshire and times. as well
related amputation, according to a new humber Public health observatory as a number of
study, carried out by researchers across researcher who led the study, says about small improvements,
the uk which looked at data from 1.8 the research: “it is important that everyone the android version
million people with diabetes in the national with diabetes takes good care of their introduces new features, in response to
Diabetes audit. it found that being male; feet. While we do not fully understand user demand. you can now export your
living in poorer areas; and being white why white men living in poorer areas saved data in comma-separated value
were all associated with a higher risk of have a higher risk of diabetes-related (csV) format in a spreadsheet, and send
lower limb amputation. amputation, our findings suggest that by email. as part of the app, a healthcare
too often, people will only see a efforts to reduce amputations should essentials checklist lets you keep track
healthcare professional about their feet focus particularly on this group.” of the checks and standards you should
once it is already too late. up to 80 per the Diabetes uk campaign, Putting receive and you can record when these
cent of diabetes-related amputations feet first, aims to reduce diabetes-related checks have been made, and set
are thought to be preventable and foot amputations by half over five years. As well reminders for future checks. these new
problems not being treated quickly as raising awareness among people with features have also been incorporated in
enough is one of the main reasons there diabetes of the importance of good foot care. an updated version of the iPhone app
and will be available as soon.
Just 13% of women who have had gestational diabetes receive the right care after
giving birth, leaving them at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study
by researchers from the university of surrey, which used data on nearly 800 women
concerns with gestational diabetes from gP practices across england. it found that only 102
(13%) of these women were recorded as having received one or more blood glucose
tests following the delivery, as recommended by national guidelines. gestational diabetes
affects around 3.5% of pregnancies in england and Wales.