Abbott Diabetes Care took some T1 children out for a special
night under the stars.
bbott Diabetes Care
hosted a sleepover at
the London Planetarium
for 25 children living with
Type 1 diabetes. The
children were randomly selected, having
applied for a place via Abbott's Facebook
page and were allowed to bring along
a parent for an 'out of this world' night
among the stars.
After arriving, the children had dinner
then the night's activities kicked off with
Rad, an astronomer from the Planetarium,
treating everyone to an incredible show
about the planets. Then there was slime
making with a mad scientist - none
of which managed to tire them out
for bedtime. Meanwhile, the parents
met with leading paediatric consultant
Tabitha Randell to learn more about the
FreeStyle Libre system. The next morning
the children collected a certificate to
congratulate them on participating in
the first ever sleepover of Type 1s at the
London Planetarium and went home with
new friends and some happy memories.
Speaking on behalf of Abbott, Nicola
Wojciechowicz said after the event,
"We have been overwhelmed by the
response to the event with feedback from
parents telling us what spending such
time together meant to them and their
children. It was a real joy and privilege to
see a community of like-minded adults
and children come together. The children
were an energetic gang of FreeStyle Libre
users, who all understood what each
other were going through, and we learned
much from them."
The London Planetarium hosted its first sleepover for children
with Type 1 diabetes who had a fun night with astronomers
and 'mad' scientists.