he UK's national food
guide has been updated
in light of recent
recommendations made
by the Scientific Advisory
Committee on Nutrition (SACN) in their
report on Carbohydrates and Health
originally published in July 2015.
The Eatwell Guide (right) has replaced
the eatwell plate and continues to define
the government's advice on a healthy
balanced diet. The Eatwell Guide is a
visual representation of how different
foods and drinks can contribute towards
a healthy balanced diet.
The Eatwell Guide is based on the
five food groups and shows how much of
what you eat should come from each food
group. Public Health England encourages
organisations and individuals to use the
Eatwell Guide to make sure everyone
receives consistent messages about the
balance of foods in a healthy diet.
A mixed plate
As with any guide, this one has its
detractors and its fans. Douglas
Twenefour, Deputy Head of Care at
Diabetes UK, said: "We are pleased to
see the removal of foods that are high in
added sugar, salt and saturated fat such
as cakes, crisps and chocolate, from the
Eatwell Guide. This decision complements
earlier guidelines, such as those from the
Science Advisory Committee on Nutrition
(SACN). Diabetes UK is not saying
that people should completely cut out
occasional treats from their diet. However
by removing these foods from the plate
Public Health England is now sending
an even clearer message to people as to
how they can reduce their risk of obesity
and improve their health. With obesity
being a key risk factor for serious health
conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, some
cancers and stroke, cutting down your
intake of added sugar, salt and saturated
fat is a vital step towards living a long
healthy life."
Meanwhile, the Meat Advisory Panel
has also commented on the new guide
noting that the protein category, where
the example of 'lean mince' has been
placed, is of a similar size to the previous
model showing the continued importance
of protein-rich foods in the diet. However,
a new statement has been added about
reducing red and processed meat.
Nutritionist, Dr Emma Derbyshire,
a member of the Meat Advisory Panel,
comments, "The Government's own
National Diet and Nutrition Survey clearly
states that adults are eating 71g cooked
red and processed meat daily on average
which is almost spot on the 2010 target
of up to 70g per day. "Blanket messages
to reduce red meat consumption could be
very detrimental to the diets of consumers
who already eat low to moderate amounts
of red meat, for example women and
young people. Lean red meat is rich in
protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins and selenium
and makes an important contribution to
daily vitamin and mineral intakes. Up to
four in ten women and young girls lack
sufficient iron in the diet while one in ten
are iron deficient. My worry is that female
consumers will reduce their intakes of red
meat even further, risking low iron levels.
Another point is that meat and meat
products provide 25-35% of vitamin D
intakes - a nutrient of concern in the UK
due to low blood levels. In conclusion,
it's great that the new Eatwell Guide has
reaffirmed the role of lean red meat in a
healthy balanced diet but government
figures clearly show that the 'eat less'
message is not applicable to most red
meat consumers."
The government's new guide sparks interest