Australia’s Ferndale Confectionery has introduced Slim Fruits, which are sugar-free
pastilles, which are also fat-free and high in soluble dietary fibre (which can helps in
weight management). They contain 40% Acacia Gum which leaves people feeling fuller
for longer. It is a bioactive dietary fibre derived from sap harvested from wild acacia trees
throughout northern Africa and parts of the Middle East. The carbohydrates per serving
is 4.8g (where a serving is five sweets). Normally with a ‘health’ product of this kind
artificial sweeteners are used to replace of sugar, but these only use natural colours and
flavours so they are fat and sugar free. Available in Strawberry and Rhubarb or Peach
Melba flavours from Holland & Barrett or Boots, around £1.89 for a 24g pack.
If you’re into gift boxes at Christmas, then India chef Mridula Baljekar’s latest book, The
you might want to look at the Fish Society’s Complete Indian Regional Cookbook, is a
relaunched website. As well as ordering fish, compilation of 300 recipes exploring well-
you can pack a gift box with items such as known as well as unknown territories of India.
festive smoked salmon, gravadlax, smoked It includes stunning photographs of both the
halibut, Arbroath smokies, potted shrimps, food and the regions, from the mountainous
even a lobster thermidor pack… the box north east of India to the palm-fringed coastal
(below) is decorated in The Fish Society’s areas of India where centuries old influences
unique and fun fish-shaped alphabet. And from Arabia, China, Portugal and Britain
avoid flapping around for tasty fish recipes shaped the cuisine. Recipes include fish with
on the move with the new website for tomato and lime (Tenga) from Assam, parsnip
mobile devices (right) featuring more than patties from central India, kathi rolls from
300 products, extending from Abalone to eastern India and melt-in-the mouth kebabs
Zander. All fish is of the highest quality with from Hyderabad in the south.
most supplied frozen, in thermo-proofed Published by Lorenz Books. Price £14.99
packaging within 24 hours.