Natural skin care company Skin Salveation has new range of skin
Diabetics are aware of glucose tablets, gels and solutions
care products to help people suffering from dry skin conditions,
but DiaBee provides an alternative that people seem prefer.
such as eczema and psoriasis, by reducing exposure to irritants
The 100% natural grade A honey in a precise measured
and soothing dry skin complaints. The Skin Salveation range was
dose (5g) is contained in
designed by chemists to reduce exposure to irritants while also
a highly portable, robust
soothing and protecting dry and damaged skin. Products include
packages, allowing it to
Laundry Powder for Sensitive Skin (£11 for 400g/24 washes per
be carried and consumed
pack) and Eczema Treatment Soap Bar (Single Soap Bar £5 For
with ease as-and-when
75g / 4 X 75g Soap Bars £17.50). The eczema treatment soap
required. It is the perfect
contains no vigorous cleansers or fragrances and its skin enriching
instant energy to alleviate
quality greatly aids the process of repairing damaged skin helping
symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
to beat eczema and psoriasis and many other skin conditions,
Tasty, light-weight, highly
including dermatitis. The Skin Salveation range is available at John
portable with a long shelf
Bell & Croyden
life, the honey itself also
provides an array of vitamins,
minerals, bioflavonoids and
anti-oxidants, and comes
in original, blackberry
blossom or mandarin spice
flavours. Three packs with
a carrytube cost £15.50
(free P&P). DiaBee sachets
also fit perfectly into Desang
kitbags, but you can keep
them in pockets, drawers
and bags.
If you’re using a Medtronic meter you are
welcome to apply for a new Contour Next
Link USB meter, which will automatcailly
‘talk’ to your pump. It comes with all
the other mod cons that sit in the USB
meter -- a colour screen, on which you
can review your last 2000 tests and see
patterns, such as daily averages, as well
as an easy download capacity. It takes
Contour Next strips (PIP Code 368-2119).
An upgrade from Bayer’s previous
meter that linked to Medtronic pumps,
you can get one free by clicking on