you like looking at each time you use
it, which is several times a day, so you
might as well like what you’re using!
Talk to your diabetes nurse about
getting a new colour pen.
Then there are the diabetics
themselves trying to make a difference.
Andy Armstrong, who has Type 1
diabetes, has created Pen Trims, a set
of easy to use wraps that fit around
Novo Flex Pens. He hopes to extend
the range shortly to fit other kinds of
insulin pen.
Tartoos from My Visual Medical are
targeted but temporary tattoos to help
you rotate your injection sites, another
little innovation that fits around your
diabetes needs.
The HumaPen Saavio’s collection of colours (above) and
the skin choices for the Accu-Chek Combo pump (below).
The other way that we now can
personalise our kit is by actually putting
in your own personal settings based on
our own medical needs – such as your
carbs-to-insulin ratios. This really is the
ultimate in kit personalisation! Things
such as ratios can be plugged into
some meters so that any onboard bolus
wizard can give us the best advice as
to what insulin dose to give ourselves.
Plus, many meters offer ways to
see trends in your blood test results
reflecting back your own daily ups and SKIN JOBS
downs and giving you information you Due to the fact that you wear a pump 24/7, of the fact that you can choose the colour
can act on to improve your control. insulin pump suppliers have caught on to of your infusion set. It’s possible to buy
That personalised kit acting as an the fact that offering a bit of choice is really various coloured skins as well as lots of
active tool to give you greater quality of appealing to their users. And it’s the users other types of carry cases for Accu-Chek’s
life. Can’t be bad! that have gone further with personalised Combo pump most of which are £15.
Bayer’s Contour Next USB meter infusion set stickers and so on. Medtronic’s range of infusion sets
(and the new Contour Next Link USB, If you have a Medtronic Minimed Veo includes the Mio which comes in either
see page 6) comes with the option of pump you can get skins for free from your blue or pink, breaking the monotony of
interchangeable skins to make it even DSN or by phoning the product support white infusion stickers on your bod.
more your own, but has options to care line. With the Animas Vibe insulin Pumpers can also get generic pump
set personal target ranges as well as pump there is a range of pump skins to carriers from places such as Funky
alarms (such as reminding you to do choose from. One is supplied free of Pumpers. Choose a pump ‘sock’ that
another test later and thereby personal charge, and you can buy more later if you
to you and your lifestyle). want to ring the changes, and that’s on top continued over