suits you and wear it with style. Also different insulins and therefore different
see the ‘made by the mum of a diabetic insulin pens. You can choose from a ‘day’
kid’ range of pump clothing from bag (the Slim) which holds your blood
PumpTeePump which includes T-shirts testing kit and one insulin pen for daytime
with pump pockets in them. meals (short-acting insulin) or one that
carries two insulin pens in case you need
CREATIVE KIT your long-lasting insulin too (that’s the
Diabetes equipment suppliers are either Classic, which is the best-seller, despite
in the meter market, or they are in the being a bit bigger to carry the second
insulin market, which is why you tend to pen). There’s enough space inside to
get a pack for your meter, and a separate add in other bits and bobs – a nail file, a
carrycase for your insulin stuff. medical ID card, a hankie – whatever!
To a great extent, most of us who test
and inject tend to do both actions at the KIT CLUB
same time – certainly at meal times (test, It’s great that today our diabetes kit not
inject). That was why I decided to design only looks better right out of the box, but
kitbags – as a Type 1 diabetic I needed it feels less like a medical extension of
to carry my kit about with me as I did yourself, more like a part of your normal
my job, often travelling a bit around the daily life.
country. I did not want to find myself short If you treat your diabetes as part of
of blood test sensors or with a blocked your personality, you can also identify
needle on my insulin pen with no spare that aspect of yourself with medical ID.
to hand. I also wanted the blood testing Companies like the ID Band Company
and the insulin delivery bit all in one bag. does a wide range of ID bracelets which
One bag is bigger than two small ones, means that you can choose one that
but why bother with two, when you can states exactly which type of diabetes that
have one? That was the birth of the range you have.
of Desang kitbags. Making your kit more your own will Spot the kitbags! Do you
These can be personalised with your help you use it more, so don’t be shy,
own kit – we’re all on different meters, with express yourself! have one yet?
Slinky silicone skins for Bayer’s Contour Next USB meter.