Male Volunteers needed
NEEDED for appetite research
Obesity and related health problems
including Type 2 diabetes are becoming We invite men who don’t have diabetes, but have fam
increasingly common, causing long-term ily members with Type 2 diabetes, to take part in re-
ill health. We do not understand why
search looking at how our brains respond to food, to
some people are particularly prone to
help find out why conditions like diabetes develop. A
weight gain and diabetes. One possibility
is that the way our brains stop our desire
health check is included and eligible volunteers will be
to eat more after a meal, may be different reimbursed up to £310 for their time. For more informa-
in people predisposed to obesity and tion please contact us
diabetes. Gaining further knowledge of Tel: 020 7848 5654 / 020 7848 5680
the way the brain controls eating will help Email: /
the development of new ways to prevent Diabetes & Nutritional Sciences, King’s College London
and treat these conditions.
Kings College London is currently
undertaking research looking at whether
people who are at risk of developing brains react to food. There is a lot of existing at how the brain may detect low glucose
type 2 diabetes (as other family members research that suggests the brain is intimately levels, and how this might differ in
are affected by diabetes), react to food involved in controlling appetite, which may people with type 1 diabetes who have
differently to those who are at lower risk. be different in people at risk of developing difficulty telling when they are low (or
The research uses functional magnetic type 2 diabetes in the future. ‘hypoglycaemia unawareness’).
resonance imaging to take pictures of This research extends from research
such volunteers’ brains, to see how their performed by our research group, looking
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