As reported by New Scientist: “The flu for this condition, called type 1
virus has another trick up its sleeve – it diabetes, but an environmental
may trigger diabetes. The good news is trigger is also needed for it to
that this discovery may give us a way to appear.
prevent some forms of the disease. Since the 1970s, researchers
In diabetes, cells do not take up sugar have suspected that viruses may
from the blood. This can happen because provide this trigger, as type 1
cells have lost sensitivity to the hormone diabetes often sets in suddenly
insulin, leading to what is called type 2 after an infection. Enteroviruses
diabetes. Linked to diet and lifestyle, this and rotaviruses were both
form of the disease is rapidly becoming implicated; something about
more common worldwide. these infections confuses the
Another cause of diabetes happens immune system enough to make
when the immune system destroys the it attack the pancreas. But the
pancreatic cells that produce insulin. picture remained unclear.
People inherit a genetic predisposition See the full story here.
As dietary intake changes and sugar diarrhoea, abdominal pain and heartburn,
levels increase dramatically over the often with sufferers feeling they have few
Christmas period, many of us can treatment options. While conventional
end up feeling less than chipper. Over medicine is a vital part of healthcare,
the four-week Christmas period, on herbal medicine can play a useful role as
average people gain 5 lbs (2 kg). For well. Senna is one of the better known
overall average weight gain just an herbal remedies for poor digestive
extra 500 calories a day is required, so health, with others including peppermint,
the Christmas binging is likely to make dandelion and fennel.
that tot up quite quickly. It’s estimated Potter’s Cleansing Herb Tablets contains
that the average person in the UK senna, aloes (cape), Cascara Sagrada,
will consume around 6,000 calories dandelion and fennel, which combine
on Christmas day alone (versus the to provide short-term relief of occasional
guideline daily amount of 2,000 calories constipation and bloating. Potter’s Slippery
for women and 2,500 calories for men). Elm Tablets relieve the symptoms of
Over indulging can bring painful, indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn. They
disruptive or embarrassing digestion contain slippery elm bark, cinnamon, clove
problems as well. Common complaints and peppermint oils.
include indigestion, constipation,