Artisan coffee company Weanie Beans has a range of distinctive, delicious and
quirky Christmas products with prices ranging from just £3 to £30. The company
uses only ethical and sustainably sourced products, limited use of packaging, which
is biodegradable where possible. The coffee is roasted weekly in Hackney and
collected by foot or bicycle. Items are available from the Weanie Beans website and
at London markets including Chiswick and Barnes and from the Stockroom in the
warehouse at Manor House that they call home.
Their Commuter Coffee Kit (£22) contains an Aeropress, Keep Cup, Wake Up
Coffee, and a Brew Guide Tea Towel. The Aeropress means you can make fantastic
coffee anywhere anytime, whilst the Keep Cup can be used over and over again,
reducing the need for paper coffee cups. Their coffees are from Africa (Ethiopian
Sidamo, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Kenyan Aa Gakuyu-Ini Estate, Kenyan Peaberry, as
well as Malawian coffee). They also offer American Coffee (Peruvian, Guatemalan,
Mexican) and Asian (Old Brown Java, Sumatran Wahana Estate). They also do a
Hangover Blend.
London (Piccadilly, Harrods, Selfridges,).
Its Christmas collection includes a
Celestial Christmas Tree which is 90cm Hawkshead Relishes are award winning
tall and decorated with 36 chocolate hand-made preserves and now includes
stars of different sizes. Adorned with the new Christmas Marmalade. Also
170 almonds, 140 pistachio nuts and 25 available are Christmas Chutney, Boxing
pecans, it is an extravaganza with 22- Day Chutney, and Michaelmas Relish
carat gold small stars and sugar fairy dust (available in a triple pack). The rest of the
making the tree sparkle. It weights 3.7kg range is huge. Check out the Beetroot
and costs £750. and Horseradish Chutney, a top-seller
If you want something that you can and classic
almost fit in a stocking and won’t give combination.
your wallet a major heart attack (only a Prices start at
minor one), then they have a hand-made £2.60.
Christmas star, made with dark chocolate
and a variety of crystallised nut pieces.
Each star requires 16 meticulous steps of
assemblage and is sparkled with 22 carat
gold. Sugar fairy dust is also added to the
La Maison du Chocolat has 27 piece to imitate the sparkle of the stars.
boutique shops worldwide including Each Christmas Star is 137g and costs
Paris, Cannes, New York, Tokyo and £28.
Hong Kong including four in central