ater is vital, we “People with diabetes
know that, and generally need to drink
having bits put more fluids and it is better
in our water to to drink water than other
make it more types of drink that contain
interesting, or ‘better’ for us, is attractive. calories which can lead
However, a diabetic would be well- to unhealthy weight gain.
advised to read the labels carefully. Being thirsty can also
Some of these so-called waters enhance appetite and
are laden with sugars. Hardly the no- result in eating more food
fat, sugar-free options that basic water than intended, so it is
offers. Drinking water is the healthiest especially important for
way to hydrate, according to the UK’s people with diabetes to
National Hydration Council. Water is a be well hydrated.”
macronutrient and is the only fluid we
need to hydrate when following a healthy Professor Tom Sanders, Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics and Head of the
lifestyle. Diabetes & Nutritional Sciences Division, King’s College London,
Water contains zero sugar, calories, and consultant to the Natural Hydration Council. See its
preservatives or additives; aids digestion health hydration guide below.
and metabolism; replenishes natural fluids
depleted by other diuretic drinks; and is drinks such as herbal teas, hot chocolates
a key part of the body’s cooling system. and malted drinks can provide
Despite offering so many natural health water, however if these drinks
advantages, the average Briton drinks just are sweetened with sugar it
200ml of water a day , less than one glass increases the calorie content. Healthy Adults should drink around
1.2litres (about 6 – 8 glasses)
of the 6-8 glasses of fluid (equal to 1.2 The sugar also increases their Hydration of fluid varietyday.drinks... be
from a
This can
litres) the Food Standards Agency (FSA) potential to damage teeth and
says we should be drinking daily. of course could play merry Drinking water DRINK
havoc with your blood glucose is a good choice, especially
between meals. It hydrates PLENTY
you without providing extra
levels. calories or risking harm
to your teeth.
other options Milk contains lots of
However, as part of a healthy balanced essential nutrients such as DRINK
Tea and coffee provide water
lifestyle you can consume other drinks
protein, B vitamins and calcium,
and some nutrients if drunk with milk.
PREGNANT*) Drink without sugar to limit calorie
intake. You could try decaffeinated,
herbal and other hot drinks too.
including milk, coffee, tea, fruit juice, as well as being a source of
smoothies and fizzy drinks. water. However, it can also
Milk provides water and is a
useful source of nutrients. It is
best for adults and older children BUT CHOOSE LOWER
to choose lower fat varieties. FAT VERSIONS
Drinking tea or coffee also delivers contain saturated fat and so DRINK IN
water, and contains caffeine, which can it’s a good idea for adults and MODERATION Low-calorie soft drinks
provide water without extra
calories, but can be acidic
affect hydration when consumed in above
risking harm to tooth enamel.
older children to choose semi-
average quantities. Pregnant women are skimmed (less than 2% fat), 1% Fruit juices DRINK IN
provide water and
some vitamins and minerals. One
serving even counts towards your
advised to consume no more than 200mg or skimmed milks. For children
5-A-DAY. However they also contain
sugar (and calories) and can be
acidic, risking harm to teeth.
or caffeine a day. This is equivalent to between the ages of one and
about two mugs of instant coffee or about two years, the recommended DRINK
Soft drinks that contain sugar
provide water, but they also provide
calories, usually without extra
nutrients, and can be acidic.
two and a half mugs of tea. Other hot milk is whole milk. From two AMOUNTS Having these frequently may
risk harm to teeth.
Designed by the Natural Hydration Council & advised by the British Nutrition Foundation
*It is best to have no more than 200mg of caffeine a day when you are pregnant.
continued over This is equivalent to about two mugs of instant coffee, about two and a
half mugs of tea or up to 5 cans of cola.