As autumn follows a summer exceedingly Campaign for the past five years to 1. Sunlight is the best natural
short on sunshine, 1 in 6 of us are already improve awareness of vitamin D and source of Vitamin D.
at risk of suffering a severe deficiency bone health and we’re pleased that
of vitamin D, which is essential for the our latest survey shows that the public 2. Exposure to sunlight every day between
absorption in the gut of calcium and understanding is definitely improving, but 11am and 3pm through to end September
phosphorous from food to build strong there is still a lot of confusion and a lot will increase Vitamin D and help keep bones
bones and teeth. It also supports the of people still think that you should wear healthy.
immune function. Also known as the sunscreen all the time. It is worrying that
‘sunshine vitamin’, a 20-minute exposure this uncertainty could mean that a lot of 3. Try to get 10 minutes of sun exposure
to sunlight 2 - 3 times per week in the people are not getting the vitamin D they to your bare skin, once or twice a day
UK is usually all it takes for fair-skinned need, and could be putting themselves at (depending on skin type), without sunscreen.
person to replenish their supply of vitamin risk of weaker bones.”
D. Older people whose skin is thinner 4. Always take care not to burn, especially
and children wearing high sun protection additional d during the strong sunshine in the middle
factor creams (SPF 15 and above) may The survey identified confusion around of the day. Babies and children need
not receive the amount of UVB radiation dietary sources. When asked if they took careful protection.
necessary. a vitamin D supplement, almost half of
Ethnic minorities are more susceptible respondents said that they didn’t need to 5. Even on cloudy days, your body can still
to vitamin D deficiency because darker because they ate a healthy balanced diet, produce Vitamin D from sunlight but it can
skin doesn’t absorb it as efficiently in but less than 10% of vitamin D comes take a little longer.
cooler climates and those with pigmented from food. Omega-3 rich foods, such as
skin or who need to wear particular oily fish, egg yolks and fortified spreads 6. Get outside in the summer so your body
clothing for cultural reasons may also be and cereals contain some vitamin D but can produce enough Vitamin D to help see
missing out. not enough. you through winter.
Taking a vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
get in the sun supplement - such as Vita-D3 can 7. Make sure that you are actually outside.
This year the National Osteoporosis help counter the effects of vitamin D Your body cannot produce Vitamin D
Society launched its fifth Sunlight deficiency in those most at risk such as even if you are sitting by a window or in
Campaign to remind people children, young adults and a conservatory on a sunny day. You must
across the UK to get outside the elderly. Available from be outside.
for a few minutes every pharmacies, health food
day between to keep their stores or mail order from 8. Only 10% of vitamin D we need
vitamin D levels topped up. Forum Health Products, comes from the food we eat, but it is still
Siobhan Hallmark, where it is on promotion important to include vitamin D rich foods
spokeswoman for the with a year’s supply for in your diet, such as oily fish and eggs.
National Osteoporosis £10.99. Many margarines, breakfast cereals and
Society comments, “We dairy alternatives are fortified, but do
have run the Sunlight check the label.