The Global Pulse
Confederation (GPC) is
head quartered in Dubai
and licenced under
the Dubai Government
authority, Dubai Multi Commodity Centre
(DMCC). GPC is the not for profit peak
body for the whole global pulses industry
value chain. As the sole international
confederation for the industry it enjoys
membership from 18 national associations
(federations) and over 600 private sector
members in an industry worth over $100
Billion at the retail level and over 60
million tonnes in pulse production and
distribution in over 55 countries.
The organisation represents the
common good of all sectors of the global
pulse industry value chain from growers
and researchers, through input and
logistics suppliers, traders, exporters
and importers to government bodies,
multilateral bodies, processors, canners
and consumers.
GPC works for transparency and
sustainability in all sectors and aspires to
contribute in as many ways possible to
global food security and improved health
and nutrition. MAKING CARBS COUNT
What's a pulse?
To be specific, pulses are annual
leguminous crops yielding between one
and 12 grains or seeds of variable size,
shape and colour within a pod, used for
both food and feed. The term 'pulses'
is limited to crops harvested solely
for dry grain, thereby excluding crops
harvested green for food, which are
classified as vegetable crops, as well as
those crops used mainly for oil extraction
and leguminous crops that are used
exclusively for sowing purposes.
Pulse crops such as lentils, beans,
peas and chickpeas are are a vital source
of plant-based proteins and amino acids
for people around the globe and should
be eaten as part of a healthy diet to
address obesity, as well as to prevent
and help manage chronic diseases such
as diabetes, coronary conditions and
cancer; they are also an important source
of plant-based protein for animals.
In addition, pulses are leguminous
plants that have nitrogen-fixing properties
which can contribute to increasing soil
fertility and have a positive impact on the
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