Needle and lancet giants BD has a fab
new needley thing called an Autoshield,
the main point of which is to ensure no
handling (or seeing) of insulin pen needles.
It's aimed at carers -- so parents, or for
older people who whose carers need to
do injections for them, or for people in
carehomes where a member of staff may
have to administer injections. If you are
delivering the injection, you don't have to
see or touch any sharps. Pretty helpful for
needlephobes too. BD Autoshield
Here's another way to take the stress and anxiety out of administering your
insulin The NeedleBay system has daily modules which have been ergonomically
designed to make handling of needles easier and safer. The pods also provide
visual 'proof of use' so you can avoid missing injections or mistakenly taking a
double dose of insulin. NeedleBay incorporates a patented ClickLok technology
for securely and safely holding all popular types of used injection pen needles.
The basic NeedleBay System comes with seven daily NeedleBay modules,
each providing storage for up to two injection pen needles together with two
compartments for storing tablets. They are compact and light weight so easy
to carry in a pocket or bag. There is also a stylish high quality storage case for
storing up to seven daily NeedleBay modules. With this system you need never
touch a needle again
One way to minimize the anxiety of
injecting is to put your mind at rest
beforehand that it's not going to hurt.
Insupen 33G pen needle has a diameter
of just 0.20 mm along its entire length.
The needle's thin wall guarantees a large
internal diameter and therefore effective
and more comfortable administration.
Despite early concerns, short needles
can penetrate everyone's skin gaining
access to the subcutaneous tissue where
the insulin needs to be administrated.
Insulin injections using short needles are
also simpler as they do not require you to
pinch skin or insert at an incline.
Insujet 33G: The reduced diameter, along with being silicone
coated and triple sharpened makes for a less painful injection.