“not understanding your pump,
or having a problem with it that
you feel you can’t solve on your
own, can be worrying, but we
will put you at your ease.” --
Summer Boffey, Accu-Chek
Careline Manager
thing as a dumb question. the only dumb team are things like, ‘my meter is not
question is the one not asked.” turning on’, ‘my meter’s Bluetooth
as well as new pump users, there connection is not working’, or ‘my battery
tends to be a higher demand on the cover is stuck’.
service under certain circumstances. “We says summer, “We trouble shoot,
get higher call rates if there is anything like and often it’s a quick solutions, one that
a product recall or new products being we can handle quickly, but as part of
released into the market place,” says the conversations we’re often helping
summer. “sometimes if a new product to improve people’s knowledge of their
release is in the pipeline people phone equipment.”
up asking for more information if word the greatest challenge to people in the
gets out. also, in the summertime we Careline team is that as pump usage goes
get more calls about travel and issues up, they are receiving more calls. “We’re
concerning pumps in other countries, or delighted that we’re helping more and
going through security.” more people and the team is also growing
to accommodate the new demands. It’s
Getting personal an exciting time in the development of
It comes as no surprise that many people diabetes care, and the more calls we
call when they have a new handset and get, the better we get at handling them
need to put their personal settings into it. as our experience grows. there’s a lot to
says summer, “that can feel like it’s a little the pump, so there’s a lot to learn. We’re
bit complicated. Customers sometimes happy to help, it’s what we do!”
have a new handset if the other one
has been lost, broken or the Bluetooth Call me
connection is not working. We can talk Karen Wrack is the Careline Manager
them through the steps if they call us. ” for Diabetes uK, which runs the uK’s
Common questions for the technical largest diabetes-related support lines and continued over