Medtronic’s pump-dedicated careline knowledge of our products in order to be use one of our pumps just spend time
is available 24 hours a day and includes a able help customers on the phone. the wearing all our devices to truly get a feel
pump replacement service that operates team are trained centrally at our european for the experience of our callers like the
365 days a year. In case that’s not enough, headquarters including detailed technical rest of the team does. a pump is not for
“We continually look for ways to improve understanding, clinical data, pump everyone, but for those that do wear one
the service we can deliver for people living usage, patient education and important of ours, we’re here for them.”
with diabetes,” says sheena, “We have regulatory requirements. But the most
made huge advances in replacement important thing for all our helpline staff is Ring ring
deliveries, with couriers delivering to the the time spent listening and talking to our so, there nice people are out there,
doorstep and collecting pumps, within a customers.” happy to listen to you if you need some
specified time slot.” again, it seems diabetes is in the more information about your diet, your
that’s worst-case scenario – a pump blood at Medtronic. “Within all areas of equipment or your diabetes. Call them!
wearer with a lost or non-functioning Medtronic Diabetes we have a number
pump has to revert to injections. not of employees with diabetes,” confirms DIABETES UK CARELINE: 0845-120-
having any means of delivering insulin sheena, but there is no demand that they 2960, M-F 9am-5pm. ACCU-CHEK
would be very dangerous. However, in be on pumps themselves. “We have a mix CARELINE: 0800-701-000, M-F 8am-
the main, calls are more general than of pump users and non-pumpers and the 8pm; Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 10am-1pm (24/7
emergency pump replacement. sheena helpline is no different. the team has a for pump users).DEXCOM CARELINE:
continues, “of course our helpline true understanding of the customer, so 01926-833273. MEDTRONIC CARELINE:
operators need to have a good technical diabetic employees who do not need to 01923-205167 (24/7, 365).