WiN A HYPoWAllET! SoUTHErN has moved its order management to where its
focus on providing the best customer support allows it to take advantage of amazon’s Diabetes Wellness Day south is an
excellent reputation as the world’s largest online retailer. there it can provide free next- educational day for people with diabetes,
day shipping, amazon secure checkout and continue its top-notch support for orders. now in its fifth year. This year, working with was setup in 2011 by tim omer and his family as a trusted the specialist diabetes teams from solent
independent site to promote products that are really used and come highly recommended nHs trust and southampton university
by other diabetics. Hospitals nHs foundation trust and
says tim, “to wider Hampshire nHs, there will be some
celebrate the completely new subjects. you can go to
redesign of our talks on diabetes and the importance of
site and facebook exercise; the diabetes check list you and
page we will be your doctor should cover at your diabetes
giving away two check ups; exercising safely; how to use
HypoWallets every social media as a diabetes management
week in March. all tool and an ‘ask the Panel’ session at
you have to do is the end of the day. there will also be a
Like our facebook breakout session for younger people with
page for a chance type 1 Diabetes. the exhibition area is
to win.” always popular too.
Last month Her royal Highness the
Duchess of Cornwall visited university
College London Hospitals nHs foundation
trust (uCLH) in her role as President of
JDrf. she has held the position since mid-
2012 in support of the charity’s mission to
discover the cure. With her was Jeremy
Irvine, the actor who played the lead role in
steven spielberg’s blockbuster War Horse
and who has type 1 diabetes and is also a
supporter of JDrf.
uCLH is one of the uK’s leading
institutions for insulin pump therapy
– 64% of patients receive this form of
therapy. this compares to a mere 3.7%
average across the uK, one of the lowest
rates of pump therapy in developed
nations, placing the uK behind such
countries as the Czech republic in terms
of insulin pump uptake.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall watches actor Jeremy Irvine and Thomas
Sugden, eight, play pool. Thomas was diagnosed T1 when he was14 months old.